
Clock's "tik-tak!" Time really pass by rapidly. In nearly two months time we are soon to graduate from our high school days. My four years of High School proves to be hard but exciting. During these years. I've learned to get along with people, what or whoever they are. I also experienced frustrations and failure as well as joy and triumph. I have no regrets going through all these because they are my learning process in my battle for life. As they say, "Life is not all glory" because recently I've lost my father. Of course it's been hard for me but we have to go on. I set aside my grievances instead exerted more effort in my studies to achieve higher ratings. I know he's proud of me and he's happy to where he is right now. I miss and love hiso much.
As early as now I still can't decide what course I'll be taking, but on second thoughts being an Accountant in the future is also a good choice.
I've learned a lot! Treasuring all those memories that will always be remembered. I will never forget my ICT subject happy moments exploring new lessons together with Ma'am Evelyn! Thank you so much for everything Ma'am! It's been an incredible yet indeed a fruitful last!
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